Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A Hypocrite, Terrorist, Devil & Pig: Anthony Campbell Killed in Afghanistan: Strike 1 Up for the Taliban

"Strike one up for the Taliban," says Cincinnati Black Foot Soldier Seymour Neville. "Anthony Campbell was a hypocrite, a terrorist, a devil and a pig."

Campbell, a thirty five year old white male who worked for the racist Cincinnati Police regime, was killed while serving in the U.S. military in Afghanistan.

"We must remember that the United States' war in Afghanistan is one that resulted from the terroristic economic policies inflicted upon the people of other nations by America," Neville says. "The economic discriminations we as blacks and other minorities experience and experienced at the hands of whites, the citizens in less developed nations were and are experiencing too. The same racist terrorism Campbell practiced on the streets against us as a policeman, he practiced against the citizens in Afghanistan."

Neville says that anyone who mourns for Campbell, embraces the same reprobate values he embraced and should be considered a terrorist and a racist.


  1. Seymour Neville appears not to have known the man of whom he writes. His comments surely betray his ignorance of the TSgt Anthony Campbell was; possibly a greater ignorance still.

  2. Bess,
    We can look at the things Anthony represented himself with e.g. the United States Airforce & the Cincinnati Police Department and know the kind of racist terrorist he was. You, no doubt, find him noble b/c you embrace the same reprobate values he held.

    It's a pity you couldn't have been there with him.

    Creaux Steele

  3. buy a plane ticket to africa. $800. GTFO.
